Tuesday, 20 January 2009

The Last Days of the Prince Regent

And now, the end is near, and so I face, the final curtain...

David Tennant has began filming his last set of Doctor Who adventures, and, by next New Year's Day, will be striking a pose and morphing into young Master Smith. Ahem...

David, we'll miss you.

You know, for me - and you - the governor is Tom, but, matey, you come a close damn second. And it's not just the performance. I mean, I could go on about gravitas and authority and attacking the role. I could go on about light and shade and multifaceted dimensions. But it doesn't come down to that. It comes down to that little eight year old laddie, watching the telly with stars in his eyes, and seeing you, his Doctor,
the Doctor, fighting the baddies with a wink and a grin. Never thinking of himself, never putting himself first. It's impossible odds, it's the spectacular, it's Doctor Who.

And for a generation, David, you were it, you
were the Doctor. For little children everywhere they'll remember Human Nature as we remember Pyramids of Mars (and I'm saying NOTHING!), they'll remember Rose leaving like we remember Sarah Jane. But mostly they'll remember you, fighting the monsters, being the guy who gives them nightmares. Bounding through the Library fighting shadows, standing down a fleet of Daleks, and towing the Earth home. They'll remember you sword fighting a Cyberman, falling in love, scaring the bad guy just with your name.

And from all that, the unassuming person that you are. The man who's still a little surprised with the success, the man who thinks "get out now before I'm found out". But we know better. You're the talent of this generation.

So thank you, David Tennant, thank you for
Awww yes, and allons-y and molto bene! Thank you for converse trainers and skinny suits and a click and wink. Thank you for being my Doctor. The same one as Tom. You're the same guy.

Happy Times and Places
