Sunday, 12 October 2008

Sean Pertwee Interview

He started off by apologising for the timing of the call. We had meant to chat yesterday, but things had held Sean up. I have to say, I was secretly pleased, as a bug had me in my bed all day. Giant it was, sat on top of me. :)

I asked him about the bet he had put on a while ago.

"That's grown legs, hasn't it?" he said. "I did it for a laugh, but I should have known that no one forgets in this industry. Beer plus bets equal years of rumours." So there was nothing in it? "Well, at the time, I would have loved to do it... I'd heard my name in rumours and thought it would be a laugh. Next thing I know I'm the next Doctor Who." Then he corrected himself. "The next Doctor... that's it, yeah?" We drift for a while discussing Doctor Who and his dad's involvement in the show. I had known his dad quite well in the final couple of years of his life, and we chatted about that for a while. Now, back to business. The eleventh Doctor?
"I would jump at the chance, I'd love to. My son is very proud of his grandfather in the role, and I would never live it down if I had a chance to play the part and didn't. It's the part, though, isn't it?" He paused. "Although can I just say that I am not at present signed to be anyone? The way I hear it David Tennant is hanging around for another year or two, but I thought I'd get my towel on that sun lounger before anyone else did. I made enquiries, made sure I wasn't stepping on anyones toes..." So you approached the PtB? "Not in so many words, no. That's not how it works. Not to my knowledge anyway. I know Eccleston did that though, didn't he? Maybe I should. I've let it be known, I've spoken to, em, people. The fact is that I would love to play the eleventh Doctor, or the twelfth, or the thirteenth, fourteenth. Although I'll probably be too old then. It's a young man's part now. I doubt even if my dad would have been cast in today's climate. Or Baker." Again the convo drifted a little to other things - things, has Holmes was fond of saying (that's Sherlock, not Robert) best left for another time - until we got back to the heart of the matter... "Would you play the eleventh Doctor? If asked...?" He laughed. "They'd better ask me," he said, "I still have the velvet jacket somewhere..."

That's a shorter version of the actual thing, which I may try and sell somewhere, if I'm honest.

Thanks Sean!

Happy Times and Places


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