Sunday 5 October 2008

Series 5 Update

League of Gentleman star and Doctor Who writer Mark Gatiss has been asked to collaborate in an adaptation of his novel Nightshade for the fifth series of Doctor Who, which begins filming next year. Gatiss has written two original Doctor Who stories for the revived television series, as we all probably know - The Unquiet Dead and The Idiots Lantern - and appeared as the titular Professor Lazarus in the series 3 episode The Lazarus Experiment, by River City creator Stephen Greenhorn.

Nightshade, is, in my opinion, a wonderful story, about an evil invading a lonely village, and the power of nostalgia, focussing on the former star of a tele fantasy programme, called, of course, Nightshade, who is drawn into events where he meets the Doctor. It's proper, old school, Doctor Who. There's a link to the ebook here

It's well worth a look at.

Series 5 looks to be shaping up slightly differently to the previous ones, with more two parters. It's understood the Moff wants to have a bias towards those. So far, we know:

  1. The Daleks are likely to open in a two parter, however, the Moff is understood to be resisting this
  2. Nightshade could be adapted into a two part adventure, scripted by its author, Mark Gatiss
  3. The Ice Warriors could return in an episode provisionally entitled The Faces In The Dust
  4. The Zygons will be revealed as the big bads, in a Doctor-lite episode 11 and the two part series finale
  5. The new companion could be a non contemporary Scot, played by a newcomer (see below)
I really like the sound of this new series, and hope all this actually comes to pass.


jmannseelo said...

I'm not sure how I feel about this honestly, I have real mixed feelings about mining the NA's for stories. On the one hand they are great great stories and do deserve the limelight that a smash-hit tv show can provide. On the other, the possessive fanboy in me feels as though his favorite Doctor is getting robbed as his stories become the tenth Doctor's. I am torn. Nightshade is a classic though, damn good stuff.

Anonymous said...

More two parters is something I have wanted to see in the series. I am just a sucker for a good cliffhanger, and the current series, with its emphasis on single episode stories just hasn't had enough of them for my liking.

Nina K. said...

You are great as usual! Thanks for the nice tips! By the way, that's how I love my spoilers, as clever hints, not blunt reveals. ;)

Oh and... I know I'm being a pain, but I simply have to ask again to be 100% sure: DT *is* doing all of series 5, right? I can't imagine all the spoilers you mention without Ten doing them. Please, ensure me! Thanks so much! :D

Administrator said...

Hold on...I think I interpreted something wrong...episode 13 is Doctor-lite? Isn't ep. 13 the finale? or will there be more episodes??

Eddie said...

Sorry Len you are absolutely quite right, that was a typo on my part. Should have read episode 11, and does now. Sorry again. Thanks for pointing that out.